EXTREMELY RARE!!! Fearless Male Lion attacks Buffalo Herd, ALONE!!!

You can see it was even countering the buffalo hoof with it’s leg. Only a true veteran lion will know to do that, many lions lose their kill by not doing it. To sprint into an entire herd of wild buffalo and land a perfect bite on an adult and wrestle it down solo is rare indeed. The true definition of a “Lion King”.

The FACT that this lion @0:36 can see a whole herd of agitated buffalo coming his way and not only keep composure, give chase, TAKE A WHOLE BUFFALO IN A HERD by himself, not fearing the repercussions? I’m blown away. His lone technique, brute strength, TENACITY. RIP to that buffalo.

EXTREMELY RARE!!! Fearless Male Lion attacks Buffalo Herd, ALONE!!!


2:15 You can see the Buffalo’s eyes rolling in the back of his head when as he passes out. Must be scary. That lion is a king. Definitely has experience.

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