Lions Hunt Baby Gorilla, Herd Gorilla Panic Carry Baby On His Back Run Away, Baboon vs Wild Dogs

Lions Hunt Baby Gorilla, Herd Gorilla Panic Carry Baby On His Back Run Away, Baboon vs Wild Dogs

Its amazing and Im so suprise of how these wild animals survive ..The way they attack other wild animals is so very wonder.they have terrible lifeThey have to kill to survive ..whew

Great video, however those are baboons and NOT gorillas! Gorillas and lions do not share the same habitat! If you are going to post an educational video, at least give people the right information!

As a kid, I had sunstroke once. My bestie’s Mom sent me home when she found me almost passed out on her front porch. My friend and her lil Sis kept me balanced on my bike, while each of them took one side.

No idea how I got all the way home. Clearly, I must’ve gotten home alright, cuz I’m still here.

Watch the video below to see Lions Hunt Baby Gorilla, Herd Gorilla Panic Carry Baby On His Back Run Away, Baboon vs Wild Dogs


Thanks for shooing us this beautiful photos of lions Crocodiles,monkies and Babbles with Dangerous python . Thank you for shooing the world this videos.

First of all there's not a gorilla one not one gorilla in this whole damn thing , secondly you got baboons and macax and probably a few other different kinds of monkeys primates whatever I'm no expert but I know the damn difference between gorillas and macaques and baboons and the funniest part of all is you got a chimpanzee soundtrack you got all these other it's just too funny

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