Scared Dog Never Wagged Her Tail Until She Met Her Foster Dad

Blossom Update: Fostering her was one of the best experiences of my life. She has been adopted! She is even so brave that she traveled through the airport with her mom πŸ™‚ Who else here loves dogs? Dog Never Wagged Her Tail Until She Met Her Foster Dad | This rescue dog wouldn’t stop shaking for months — but now she’s wagging her tail for the first time. Special thanks to Rocky Kanaka for sharing this story with us and for fostering Blossom! For more of Blossom, visit:

People like this guy really makes the world a better place. We adopted a foster dog that was just like Blossom. We think she was abused, every time we would go to pet her she would look away and you could see in her face that she was expecting to be hit. It's been 5 months now and she is a lot better but still has moments of doubt. We won't ever give up.


I ended up adopting a dog like that, scared, scarred, broken, rejected and mistreated so many times. That's the only life she knew for years. It took like 4 more years for her to heal physically an emotional. She woudnt even bark for over one year. Then watching her all healed and happy barking, playing. πŸ’–πŸ•πŸ’– I love you and miss you my dear Canela. Blossom is just the cutest😍….and what a brave little girl to have overcome so much. Rocky you were her savior, you never gave up on her and she saw your heart and wow did she “Blossom”😊 thank you!!!! for helping her become all that was within her. 

I hope you will always be a part of her life in someway. Her adopted family is blessed to have this sweetie in their lives. Rocky you are angel who saved an angel. P.S. it’s been 2 years since your post, l hope you will see this post and give us an update on Blossom?

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