This is Why NASA Never Returned to the Moon

This is Why NASA Never Returned to the Moon

The summer of 1969 was an eventful one; it was a season of good and bad. Sirhan Sirhan was convicted of murdering New York Senator Robert F. Kennedy, the last episode of Star Trek aired, the Beatles snatched the top song on Billboard’s list, President Nixon pulled out 25,000 U.S. troops from Vietnam, the Manson murders happened, and a hurricane claimed the lives of more than 250 people. These are only a few of the most historic, and memorable moments of that year.

An unforgettable summer indeed, but the zenith of the summer of ‘69 was perhaps the Apollo 11 mission.

On May 18th, the Apollo 10 mission was launched. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration commenced the mission in preparation for Apollo 11, another attempt by the United States to step on the moon.

And on July 20, 1969, mission commander Neil Armstrong and crewmate Buzz Aldrin became the first and second astronauts to step on the moon.

Watch the video below to see This is Why NASA Never Returned to the Moon


With the success of the Apollo 11 mission, it was expected that NASA would, once again, launch another moon landing project, and yet, it never happened. Behind the historic event and all the glory, are setbacks that could have easily ended the mission prematurely, or ended the mission disastrously. It turns out that there are several reasons why we haven’t pursued going back to the moon. Let’s dive into the little-known details of the famous moon landing, and figure out the reasons why we haven’t launched another moon mission.

From the take-off, to the aftermath, here are 15 secrets about the Apollo 11 moon landing.

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