Heartwarming Rescue: Stray Dogs Find Forever Home After Surviving Harsh Winter

Winter can be brutal for stray animals, especially dogs, without proper shelter. Despite efforts to feed and care for them, the risk of hypothermia is high for those left out in the cold.

This was the harsh reality for Moose and Greta, a bonded pair of stray dogs wandering the streets of Memphis, Tennessee.

They endured freezing temperatures and a snowstorm, always sticking together to survive.

A Heartbreaking Sight

Suzy Hollenbach of All 4s Rescue League in Memphis knew Moose and Greta’s plight and felt compelled to help.

“I would see them sleeping on junk scraps or in the field behind the corner store. We called them in several times to at least get them safe, but nothing happened. Fast forward to the storm, and I come by, and there they are, curled along the back of the store, just enduring the snow,” she shared on the rescue’s Facebook page.

After notifying Memphis Animal Services (MAS) about the dogs’ dire condition, Suzy learned that MAS had no available space.

Determined to save Moose and Greta, she mobilized her rescue organization and found them a foster home that day.

Rebecca, a volunteer, welcomed the exhausted dogs into her home. “They were so exhausted and weak from such difficult street conditions, and a long, well-deserved nap was all it took,” Suzy noted. Moose and Greta slept for an entire day, recovering from their ordeal.

The Pawfect Outcome

It initially seemed that finding a permanent home for Moose and Greta would take time. However, Shannon Carpenter, a compassionate foster, quickly changed that. She took the two affectionate pups into her home, expecting to provide temporary care.

“They never leave my side unless I have to go somewhere they can’t go. No leash. They know where home is very well. Such good babies,” Shannon shared on Facebook. Despite their rough past, Moose and Greta adapted well, displaying loving and sweet personalities.

Shannon soon realized she couldn’t part with the dogs. She decided to adopt Moose and Greta permanently.

The trio lives happily on a farm, enjoying endless adventures together. “I’m so proud to have these guys! They have taken to the farm. Horses, riding in my van, my work truck, the carriage (with trainee), and you can take them ANYWHERE… I’m so blessed to have the smartest ride-or-die dogs in Memphis in just a few months,” Shannon wrote on Facebook.

What began as a temporary foster arrangement became a forever home, creating the perfect ending for Moose, Greta, and Shannon.

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