What They Found Inside This Snake Shocked The Whole World

What They Found Inside This Snake Shocked The Whole World

We've all seen the David Attenborough documentaries. We know that pretty much every animal in the animal kingdom has to eat. But when it comes to the snake, they don't really have what we would call 'standards.' It seems like they'll eat just about anything. Don't believe us? From a common pollutant to a very convincing fake, let's take a look at the 20 Craziest Things Found Inside Snakes!

Whoever's reading this, i pray that whatever you're going through gets better and whatever you're struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day! Amen

What They Found Inside This Snake Shocked The Whole World


 We've all seen the David Attenborough documentaries. We know that pretty much every animal in the animal kingdom has to eat. But when it comes to the snake, they don't really have what we would call 'standards.' It seems like they'll eat just about anything. Don't believe us? From a common pollutant to a very convincing fake, let's take a look at the 20 Craziest Things Found Inside Snakes!

At work we get black racers, lol im the snake charmer..i  get called on the radio hey..nope rope , lol i educated people no no we dont kill them, they eat mice and rats, they just are hot and thirsty and want a drink out of the fountain. ( fla..they removed the hedges..so now no water, so they come up to the court yard to drink out of the fountain. Lol im a " hero" at work. I LOVE  reptiles. One of the racers is " friendly" i fill a bowl with water.for them, one , ive picked up so many times, its tame, i actully got people curious enough to touch it, then, now Its we love our snake, onyx..now, almost everyone wants to touch it if im holding it.they arent scared anymore, they are curious, and want to plant some new hedges and feel bad the snakes home was taken out..have no shade, no water. Funny how when you educate people, they are more tolerant,  and dont want to kill something..they also love bats, honey bees, and opossums. Because they have purpose

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