ÉNORME Kyst POP (à la maison) à surveiller absolument !…

ÉNORME Kyst POP (à la maison) à surveiller absolument !…

ÉNORME Kyst POP (à la maison) à surveiller absolument !…

The sad thing is that despite all the pain and effort, there’s probably more in there still. Its is incredible how much gunk can be in a cyst.

That seriously looked infected, probably made the pain worse. Glad to read that you went to the doctor the next morning, hopefully they gave you some antibiotics for it. That really did look and sound incredibly painful, but I’m glad the two of you got thru it. And your little one sounded adorable.

ÉNORME Kyst POP (à la maison) à surveiller absolument !…

ÉNORME Kyst POP (à la maison) à surveiller absolument !…

ÉNORME Kyst POP (à la maison) à surveiller absolument !…

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