Shelter Cat With No Interest At Adoption Event Cries Out For Someone To Love Him

Monte was found as a stray in the San Diego State University parking lot, searching for someone to love him. He was taken in by Smittens Rescue, who quickly made it their mission to find him a forever home.

“Monte is VERY friendly and VERY needy,” Anna Brown, director of Smittens Rescue, told The Dodo. “He loves being [held] by his humans and demands 100 percent of their attention. He is also a really chatty cat and will talk to you all day. His foster mom nicknamed him ‘Constant Contact’ because he loved being pet all day.”

rescue catSmittens Rescue

To try and help him find a home, Monte’s rescuers took him to a local adoption event to show him off. He did his best to show everyone just how wonderful he is and talked to every single person who walked by.

“He meowed at EVERYONE at the event,” Brown said.

rescue catSmittens Rescue

Unfortunately, his efforts were in vain, and Monte was the only cat at the event who had zero applications or interest.

Poor Monte was so defeated after the event and even meowed at people walking by outside the venue, a last-ditch effort to try and find himself a home. Luckily for Monte, though, his friends at the rescue weren’t willing to give up on him just yet. They posted Monte’s story on social media, and almost immediately, something incredible happened.

“We weren’t expecting the amount of support he got over social media,” Brown said. “So many people felt bad for him, and he received applications from all over America, and even one in India. In total he got about 40 applications.”

Monte received more love than he ever could have hoped for — and all of that love and attention led to him finding his perfect forever home.

rescue catSmittens Rescue

Monte’s name is now Mushi, and he’s absolutely thriving in his new home. He’s still as talkative as ever and loves to shout his love for his new family all day long.

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