Daredevil Kitten Gets Her Very Own Mini Skateboard

Most cats and kittens get plenty of entertainment from traditional cat toys. But Puka is a bit more adventurous than your typical kitten — she loves to skateboard.

Puka’s mom discovered her kitten’s passion for skateboarding by accident. One day, she randomly caught Puka jumping on a skateboard she’d left on the floor in her home.

Small kitten sitting on skateboardTikTok / @pukakittycat

Puka figured out the mechanics of skateboarding all by herself. She quickly learned that if she jumped up onto the skateboard with enough force then hunched down, she could get it to move forward.

Puka’s mom decided to encourage her kitten’s new hobby instead of reprimanding her for playing with a human toy. So she bought Puka her very own mini skateboard.

At first, the mini skateboard wasn’t Puka’s favorite — the wheels were really stiff, and she couldn’t get as much speed going as she was used to. So Puka’s mom swapped out the stiff wheels for ones that glide much more easily, and in no time, Puka was skating like a pro.

Being such a talented cat has gained Puka many fans.

“I’m going to tell my kids this was Tony Hawk,” one TikTok commenter wrote.

Another wrote, “I’m invested in this little girl’s training … she’s a natural!”

Even though she now has her own mini board to use, Puka still enjoys using the big boards her mom and dad have around. With the bigger boards, she’s able to do tricks — just plain skateboarding isn’t enough for Puka, whose thirst for thrill is immeasurable.

Puka’s mom bought her a mini skating ramp. The ramp took a little getting used to, but soon, she was gliding down effortlessly.

Skating down the ramp allowed her to gain more speed and momentum than ever before. Of course, her protective parents leave a pile of pillows at the bottom of the ramp so she can safely stop herself.

While Puka hasn’t yet attempted skateboarding tricks like kickflips and ollies, with a little more practice, who knows what’s possible?

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