‘Furry Figure’ Spotted On Rooftop Turns Out To Be Trapped Wild Animal

The other day, a woman in Toronto, Canada, glanced out the window of her apartment building and saw something strange.

“[She] noticed a furry figure on top of a one-[story] garage beside her apartment building,” Toronto Wildlife Centre wrote in a Facebook post about the event.

Worried that this fuzzball was an animal, the woman contacted Toronto Wildlife Centre for help. Soon, rescuers were on their way.

skunk on roofToronto Wildlife Centre

When the Toronto Wildlife Centre team arrived, they realized the ball of fur was a skunk. Animal experts worried for the skunk, who’d been up there for quite some time.

skunk on roofToronto Wildlife Centre

“The information we had is that the skunk had been there for two weeks,” wildlife rescue manager Andrew Wight said in a video posted to Toronto Wildlife Centre’s YouTube channel. “Which is a tremendous amount of time for an animal to be basically stranded.”

click to play videoToronto Wildlife Centre

Rescuers ascended the rooftop by ladder and saw the skunk waiting near the edge of the roof. They hoped to set up a kennel and corral the skunk inside. However, they quickly realized this method wasn’t going to work.

“She had another idea,” Wight said in the video.

man catching skunkToronto Wildlife Centre

The tricky skunk pushed past the kennel. Fearing that she might accidentally fall over the side of the roof, rescuers chased the skunk with a net and eventually caught her.

Back at the rehab, experts examined the skunk to make sure she was OK. After her hydration levels were back to normal, the skunk was ready to return to her home outdoors.

skunkToronto Wildlife Centre

Rescuers took the skunk to a safe spot and opened her kennel. Sniffing her surroundings, the skunk excitedly ventured back into the wilderness.

“Our team is always happy to see animals return back to the wild,” Wight told The Dodo. “It is why we all do what we do here.”

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