Camera Captures Homeless Dog Searching For Help After House Burns Down

A few days ago, dog rescuer and Logan’s Legacy 29 founder Suzette Hall received a troubling call from her friend, Nanette. A building near Nanette’s job had recently caught fire, and there seemed to be a four-legged survivor left behind.

Nanette instantly recognized the shepherd-mix puppy, later named Runner, when he ran past her job — he’d lived in the recently burned building with his owner. But his family was nowhere to be found after the fire, and Runner had no idea where to go without them.

“We don’t know what happened to his owner,” Hall wrote on Facebook. “[The] poor baby was so sad and lonely … completely petrified.”

Suzette Hall

Runner wandered around his burned-down home and Nanette’s job for hours, weaving in and out of traffic in search of help. When he eventually stumbled across a cat feeding station, cameras captured the hungry boy poking his head in, hoping for a crumb.

“[The] poor baby was so hungry, he would go [to] the cat feeding station for food …” Hall wrote. “The cats scared him.”

Runner backed away from the feeding station and returned defeatedly to his destroyed home.

Suzette Hall

“[T]his sweet boy kept going back to the only home he ever knew, back to the fire,” Hall wrote. “He wanted so [badly] to go back and find his home the way it used to be.”

Nanette and Hall monitored the area continuously for days, waiting for the perfect moment to try to catch him.

“This morning, I got there early … I saw him going in and out of his old home frantically,” Hall wrote. “There was nothing but soot and ashes. I set my trap and prayed.”

Suzette Hall

Hall hid from Runner’s sight and, moments later, she heard a hopeful sound.

“I heard barking,” Hall wrote. “And there he was, safe in my trap.”

Suzette Hall

Nanette and Hall celebrated their triumphant capture, all while reassuring Runner that he was safe and loved. After a sweet goodbye from Nanette, Hall drove the resilient boy straight to the vet, where he passed his checkup with flying colors.

Before long, a loving foster family picked him up, and he’s been decompressing at their house ever since. The survivor pup is still recovering emotionally from losing his home and previous family, but his foster parents know exactly how to love him through it.

Suzette Hall

Runner will be eligible for adoption once he’s healed a bit more from the trauma. Until then, Hall and Nanette are grateful to know that he’s finally safe and on his way to living his best life.

“[H]e doesn’t have to run through fire ever again,” Hall wrote. “He is rescued.”

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