Hole In Side Of Retaining Wall Found To Be Hiding An Adorable Secret

A few years ago, while walking through the parking lot of her apartment complex, Cady Fletcher noticed something odd about a nearby retaining wall.

There, in one of the panels of cement, was a small hole — out of which a small mound of dirt appeared.

Passing by it daily, Fletcher was always curious if the hole had any purpose. But recently, she got an answer.

Cady Fletcher

The other day, Fletcher was walking through the parking lot, near the retaining wall, when she noticed signs of life near the entrance of the mystery hole.

“[I] happened to notice three little faces,” Fletcher told The Dodo. “I definitely had to do a double take.”

Cady Fletcher

Turns out, the faces were those of three adorable toads — the mystery hole’s presumed occupants.

They were cutely posed, their skin dirty from digging, like a group of gritty, hardworking miners taking a rest from their labor.

Cady Fletcher

“I was so excited,” Fletcher said.

Cady Fletcher

The random hole in the parking lot retaining wall may, in fact, be part of a drainage system. But whatever the case, it has taken on a whole new significance each time Fletcher passes by it.

Cady Fletcher

It’s not just random. It’s apparently a cozy hangout for frogs — a satisfying fact that Fletcher wouldn’t change for the world.

“I’m happy they’re there,” she said.

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