Driver Slams On Brakes When ‘White Trash Bag’ In Ditch Starts Moving

Maggie Hamilton, known as Ma Mags in the rescue community, was driving a rescue puppy to her new home and decided to take a shortcut — and ended up finding someone else who needed rescuing.

“Approximately a mile down that road, I saw what I thought might be a white trash bag in the ditch, and then I realized it was moving,” Ma Mags, founder of Ruby & Laurel Animal Rescue, told The Dodo.

abandoned puppyRuby & Laurel Animal Rescue

She quickly pulled over, and as she got closer, she could see that the trash bag was actually a white pittie puppy, peeking out from the ditch, looking for help. Based on her condition, Ma Mags assumed she’d been there for only a few days.

“I could tell she was sweet almost immediately because she wanted to come to me and was making eye contact,” Ma Mags said. “She was hesitant but so ready to get out of there.”

Ma Mags began talking to the sweet little puppy, and she immediately crawled her way out of the ditch and snuggled up to her rescuer. She was so ready to be loved and so thankful that someone had actually found her out there.

abandoned puppyRuby & Laurel Animal Rescue

The pup, later named Slurpee, was skinny and suffering from mange, but that didn’t stop her adorable personality from shining through. After taking her to the vet, they discovered that Slurpee was actually 3 years old and not a little puppy after all. She’s currently being fostered by Ma Mags and getting stronger every day.

“Day by day, her personality grows,” Ma Mags said. “She has been sweet the whole time, but now she is energetic and beginning to enjoy life. I adore her with my whole heart.”

Slurpee still has a ways to go on her healing journey, but she’s getting there. Once she’s finally strong enough, she’ll be up for adoption — if Ma Mags can let her go, that is.

“I definitely thought about keeping her, but I have five of my own dogs already,” Ma Mags said. “Never say never — she may end up our mascot after all of this!”

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