Dog Is Completely Transformed After Groomers Give Her An Emergency Makeover

Recently, staff at the Wyandotte Animal Shelter in Michigan took in a dog whose condition was described as among the worst they’d ever seen. Pixie, as the dog is named, had fur so overgrown and matted that she could hardly move.

Gazing upon Pixie, one might never guess that an adorable dog existed beneath it.

Wyandotte Animal Shelter

According to staff at the shelter, Pixie was surrendered by her owner, who, regrettably, had neglected to give her the care and attention she needed — leading to her severely unkempt condition. Ultimately, though, his decision to surrender her is what Pixie needed most.

“He had a hard time letting her go but surrendered her to us so we could ensure she would go to someone who could give her the life she deserved,” the shelter wrote.

With that, Pixie’s world was about to change forever — and it would have to start with a much-needed haircut.

Wyandotte Animal Shelter

Staff at the shelter reached out to The Downriver Grooming Co. for what would be an emergency grooming session to help Pixie escape from her matted prison.

“[They got] her in within minutes of our call, and for [three] hours they spent freeing her from that matted fur,” the shelter wrote.

Wyandotte Animal Shelter

After all was said and done, the real Pixie had emerged.

She was totally unrecognizable from her former self.

Wyandotte Animal Shelter

“This little girl was only 5.5 pounds, but she seemed twice her size due to the matted fur,” the shelter wrote, adding that she was in remarkably good health, despite her ordeal beneath that overgrown coat.

Pixie’s world had changed for the better — but it wouldn’t be long until it improved even more.

Wyandotte Animal Shelter

Within days of Pixie’s transformation, thanks to the kindness of those who’d helped her, the little dog got the second chance she so desperately needed.

“Pixie was adopted,” a spokesperson for the Wyandotte Animal Shelter told The Dodo. “Her new family reports that she is doing very well in her new home.”

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