5 signs when “in love” show that men just want to “satisfy their needs” and don’t love you

Living together for a long time, many wives have noticed that their husbands often rush to “get it over with” during intimate moments. This can make them feel like he is only “close” to them to fulfill a need rather than out of love. To know if this is true or just a “baseless worry,” wives should look out for the following signs.

1.   Only “Taking,” Not “Giving”

If occasionally, he asks you to “pamper him completely,” that’s completely normal. However, if this continues for a long period, and during intimacy, he only makes demands that serve his own pleasure, wanting his wife to do certain things for him, that is not a good sign.

Usually, during “making love,” almost every man “gives” more than “receives.” They care a lot about whether their partner feels happy, as this is also a condition for them to feel most joyful, rather than being selfish and thinking only of themselves.

2.   Even When the Wife Says “No”

Men are different from women; when they have a need, they feel an urgent desire to satisfy it immediately. However, for those who love their wives, they understand that “making love” isn’t just about having needs; it’s also about feelings. That’s why, when the wife isn’t ready, they may gently persuade or wait a few days without getting upset.

Conversely, men who only think about their own needs are entirely different. They don’t care about the emotions or mood of their wife; the only thing they need is to satisfy themselves first. Therefore, there may be times when the wife feels like she is being forced, and the union between the two only has a physical connection, with their hearts still completely cold!

3.   Skipping the Foreplay

Even when the wife shows signs of wanting more tenderness, he often skips the foreplay or does it briefly to quickly get to the end. This indicates that the love between the two lacks any emotion, and he just wants to quickly reach the climax for relief. (This is different from when a husband wants to “attack” his wife boldly; one is quick because he desires it himself, and the other is quick to create excitement for both).

4.   Criticizing the Wife’s “Lack of Skill”

It must be acknowledged that technique is a very important element in lovemaking. However, if your husband is overly “fixated” on this issue, it becomes something else. Especially if he does not gently suggest but rather shows disappointment because you don’t know how to move, breathe, or talk during “making love,” then he clearly views you as just a tool for satisfaction.

In reality, if there is love between them, many couples feel happy just being close. Husbands who love their wives are often very considerate about this; he would be afraid to hurt his wife’s feelings, so he wouldn’t say anything or would find the most tactful way to say it. If she doesn’t improve, he will still be patient and cheerful, never showing an unpleasant attitude.

5.   No Hugging or Touching After It’s Over

Hugging, touching, smiling, and caressing are very natural reactions after intimacy. They convey feelings and help couples strengthen their bond and encourage each other. Sometimes, it doesn’t have to be as romantic as letting his wife rest her head on his arm; a simple stroke on her cheek, a kiss on her hair, or a loving gaze can show how deep his feelings are.

However, if your husband does not show any signs of affection, acts indifferent or cold after making love as if there’s nothing left to say, then it’s a clear indication that his feelings for you have run dry.

However, remember that in married life, there are bound to be times when “the winds change.” His indifference in bed could be due to various reasons, not just a lack of love. In such cases, the wife should calmly talk to her husband to find out the reason and work together to regain happiness!

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