Husband kisses this position after sex, he definitely loves you very much

If a man kisses these 4 positions of his wife/lover a lot, she will definitely feel very warm and happy, the relationship between the two of you will become stronger and stronger.

Some people say that if you want to know if a man is sincere with you or not, look at how he treats you in bed. Indeed, when a man does not truly love you, he is very selfish in bed, only focusing on his personal feelings without caring about his other half.

On the contrary, a man who truly loves his wife and his other half will always want to “sublimate” at the same time with his other half, always paying attention to the other person’s feelings. If a man often kisses these 4 positions of his wife/lover after the two of you are “making love”, it proves that he loves his wife to the core.

Kiss on the hair

After “making love”, has your husband ever hugged you from behind, gently lifted your hair and kissed your hair? If so, you must be a happy woman and have a happy marriage with a husband who loves and pampers you very much.

A kiss on the hair is like saying “I love you”, and at the same time means that he wants to be with you for a long time and love you for the rest of his life. If outside the bedroom, he takes the initiative to kiss and touch your hair, it means that he is very passionate and “desires to have a good time” with you.

Kiss on the forehead

A kiss on the forehead after “making love” is like a “huge” message: “Thank you, you are wonderful!”. It is so happy to be in his arms, to have him kiss your forehead and hear his heart pounding, right?

Men who kiss their wives in this position are usually warm, sensitive and tend to pamper their wives. If he kisses his wife on the forehead when “making love”, it proves that he is very gentle and cares about your feelings.

Kiss on the lips

A kiss on the lips after “making love” is like what he wants to say: “I love you very, very much”. Not only that, he wants to lock your heart and possess you.

In addition, kissing on the lips can also promote the secretion of adrenal hormones, increase blood circulation, … very good for the health of both. Therefore, couples should not “save” kisses on the lips with each other.

Kiss on the hand

You may find this kiss strange, but for men, this is how they show their respect for their partner. Therefore, you should consider yourself lucky when your husband has the habit of kissing your hand after “making love”.


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