This is the reason revealed by long-time employees

In the hotel business, there are many small secrets that most people don’t know. Have you noticed that in many cases, especially late at night, when a young couple asks to rent a hotel room, they are often told that there are no rooms available? Why is that?

The reason is quite simple. With their sharp eyes and experience, receptionists often tell young couples who want to rent a room late at night that there are no rooms available. In reality, this is just a tactic to make more money. They usually say that the standard rooms are fully booked, but that some “special” rooms, which are more expensive, are still available.

In such a situation, the young couple, who might not have anywhere else to go and are eager to spend time together, will naturally agree to take the more expensive room. This is just a sales tactic used by the receptionists and some hotels.

Additionally, there are other reasons, such as if the couple appears to be drunk or disorderly. The receptionist might refuse to rent a room to them, fearing that they could cause trouble and disturb the atmosphere and other guests in the hotel.

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