1-Day-Old Fluffy Baby Cries Out From Cardboard Box, Waiting For Someone To Notice

Barely 1 day old, a fluffy baby animal cried out from where he’d been abandoned in a cardboard box on the sidewalk. The little guy was too small to fend for himself, and so he continued to shriek, hoping someone would notice him.

abandoned boxPennsylvania SPCA

Little did the baby know it, but his box was left sitting right in front of the Pennsylvania SPCA. Soon, an SPCA staff member heard his cries and raced over. The rescuer opened the box and felt heartbroken by the sight — a fuzzy black kitten, his umbilical cord still attached, left with nothing but a blanket for warmth.

kitten in blanketPennsylvania SPCA

The rescuer brought the baby, later named Warrior, inside. Later that day, Warrior moved in with an experienced foster parent, who provided neonatal care. In time, Warrior grew from a timid newborn to a confident kitten.

“[H]is personality began to show more and more,” Gillian Kocher, Pennsylvania SPCA director of public relations, told The Dodo. “His foster mom reported that he loved playing with anything that moved and wasn’t afraid of much. He played with the resident dogs and puppy, was curious about most everything, and was very affectionate. He really was a fearless warrior!”

Once he was old enough, Warrior began looking for his forever home. Almost instantly, he connected with his new family. Their bond was clear. A year later, Warrior and his family are still in love.

“[H]e remains healthy and happy today,” Kocher said.

Warrior’s rescue and miraculous recovery is proof that when animal lovers rally together, lives can be saved. Kocher hopes that community members continue to look out for animals in need and volunteer to provide foster care if they’re able. If everyone does their part, babies like Warrior won’t have to worry about fending for themselves.

“During these warmer months, shelters can easily become inundated with kittens,” Kocher said. “As one of the most vulnerable populations in shelters, it is essential that these babies go into foster homes. Reach out to your local shelter to learn more about fostering! Also, spay and neuter your pets!”

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