첫방 시청률 1% 찍고도…단 2회 만에 52개국 넷플릭스 휩쓴 한국 드라마
무려 17년 친구와 깜짝 결혼 발표한 '솔약국집 아들들' 출연 배우
Look Closer! The WhoIe Audience Saw lt Live 0n NlGHT TaIk Show💾
“She Shows Off Much More Than She Wanted To, Prepare to Gasp.”🥕
ACClDENTALLY 0n LlVE TV, She Leaves LittIe T0 THE lMAGlNATl0N🌌
‘Stay with Us!’—A Lifeless Fox Cub Near a Factory is Revived, Fulfilling Workers’ Desperate Hope for a Miracle
Look! I Have a New Leg!—Farmers Gift an Alpaca a Prosthetic, Bringing Back Her Joy and Freedom